March 20 - "Insulinating" Yourself

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March 20

“Insulinating” Yourself

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-11

9How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. 10With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! 11Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

IF YOU READ yesterday's devotional reading, you learned about a thirteen-year-old diabetic named Bailey. When Bailey first discovered that she had diabetes, she learned that because her body was no longer producing insulin, she would have to give herself shots of insulin. Without the insulin, her body could not convert her food into the energy she needs to do the things thirteen-year-olds like to do.

Every morning before she eats breakfast, she gets a needle and puts first one kind of insulin into the needle (the kind of insulin that acts quickly) and then another kind (which acts slowly). Then she pokes the needle into either her arm or leg. Then, in the evening, before supper, she has to do the same thing again.

If she forgets or injects too little insulin into her system, it will not be long before she will begin to feel the effects. She will begin to lose energy, and eventually her health will be affected. If she gives herself too much insulin, she'll become weak and shaky, and eventually dizzy and confused. If something isn't done, she could go into a coma and even die.

Every day for the rest of her life (unless a cure is discovered), she will have to spend some time in the morning and evening to make sure she has in her system the insulin necessary to be healthy and active. It's not fun, but as long as she watches her diet and gives herself shots every morning and evening, she'll live a pretty normal life.

Once more Bailey's routine isn't much different from what it means to live the Christian life. There are certain things we must do if we want to obey God's commands and live a pure life. Just as Bailey must give herself a shot of insulin every morning and evening, we'll be better able to live a pure life if we give ourselves daily shots of God's Word, reading it every day, studying it, and hiding it in our heart as a sort of "spiritual insulin" to keep us from sinning against God.

"How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word and following its rules" (Psalm 119:9). Obeying God's Word is the only way a young person--any person, for that matter--can stay pure.

REFLECT: God has a prescription for living a healthy Christian life. Read the first sixteen verses of Psalm 119, and underline the prescriptions (directions) God gives for being a healthy Christian. Then begin today to read God's Word every day. (Reading a psalm a day might be a good way to start.) Remember that a daily dose of God's Word is a good way to vaccinate yourself against impurities.

PRAY: "Thank you, God, for providing the 'spiritual insulin' I need to keep from sinning against You. Help me to develop the habit of reading Your Word each day."